Daigas Group has businesses in 3 fields
(As of March 31, 2024)
We aim to create value for a sustainable future and evolve as an aggregate of multiple businesses through expansion into new global elds. We will strive to achieve that by leveraging our capital with strengths and our expertise in the three core business segments: the Domestic Energy Business, International Energy Business, and Life & Business Solutions Business (LBS).
Natural gas value chain in the domestic/overseas energy business
Natural gas extracted overseas is transported to Japan as liquefied natural gas (LNG) by dedicated tankers, where it is re-gasified at the receiving terminal and sent to customers through pipelines. This series of flows is the natural gas value chain. Depending on the process, we call it "upstream business" or "midstream and downstream business," and the Daigas Group is building a natural gas value chain overseas just like it is doing in Japan.
- Domestic Energy Business
- Business
unit - LNG&
Engineering - Electricity
- Network*
- Energy
LNG & Engineering business is engaged in the operation and maintenance businesses of gas manufacturing plants. Electricity business is engaged in the development, operation, maintenance, and management of thermal power plants and renewable energy power plants such as wind, solar, and biomass power plants owned by the Daigas Group nationwide. We create environmental value by providing a wide variety of energy sources such as low-carbon LNG and CO2-free electricity. In addition, we provide optimal solutions to customers in Japan and abroad, utilizing our engineering technology, plant design, and construction management expertise backed by a wealth of experience

Since Osaka Gas started supplying gas in 1905*, we have continued to build a relationship of trust with local communities. We have established a solid network of city gas supply and a complete security system, as well as worked to improve security and resilience and increase productivity by deepening our existing expertise and utilizing cutting-edge digital technology to deliver city gas safely and securely.
*In 2022, supply business has been transferred to the demerged Osaka Gas Network Co., Ltd., which has been established as a preparatory company for spin-off on April 1, 2021.

We work to develop advanced products and services including energy for residential, commercial, and industrial customers, and expand sales of such products and services, thereby increasing the value we provide to customers.
For residential customers, we provide solutions that meet each individual customer’s needs by utilizing our extensive expertise, which is our strength.
For commercial and industrial customers, we provide not only services in the energy field, but also a variety of services including design, construction, and after-sales service for facilities including photovoltaic power systems, water treatment, and air conditioning. In this way, we solve various issues faced by our customers, as a comprehensive contact for energy.

- International Energy Business
- Business
unit - Energy Resources
& International
We are growing and expanding our international business mainly in the United States, Asia, and Oceania. In addition to upstream businesses such as investment in gas and oil field development projects, we participate in the mid- & downstream businesses overseas, including power generation, LNG terminals, and energy service, utilizing the expertise we have cultivated in businesses in Japan. We are also engaged in LNG trading*.
*Trading business is included in the Domestic Energy Business segment.

- LBS Business
- Business
unit - Urban
Development - IT
- Materials
We roll out real estate business, which extends widely to include the development of properties such as sale and rental apartments, office buildings, logistics facilities, research park business, REIT business, management of buildings and facilities, and so on.

We trace our roots back to developing and managing systems for the gas business of Osaka Gas Co., Ltd. We roll out services as a new business as well. Through various acquisitions, we have organized a group of IT companies that offer services to the manufacturing and financial industries or have strength in ERP*, and acquired IT talent and developed new strategic partners primarily in Asia, thereby expanding business domains.
*ERP is the abbreviation for enterprise resource planning. It is a system for integrated management of the customer's entire business from the perspective of effective use of management resources.

We develop, manufacture, and sell a variety of highly functional materials such as fine materials, carbon fiber materials, activated carbon, silica- and alumina-based materials, and preservatives.