IR News
IR News
February 07. 2025
Annoucement Regarding Status of Share Repurchase (116 KB)
January 09. 2025
Annoucement Regarding Status of Share Repurchase (221 KB)
December 25. 2024
Changes to the basic gas terms and conditions and the electricity supply terms and conditions, etc. following the adoption of the FY2024 “Electricity and Gas Fee Burden Reduction Support Program” (346 KB)
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Osaka Gas was included in the following socially responsible investment (SRI) indices and an investment universe (a group of stock issues that are seen as candidates for the SRI indices) as of the end of June 2022.
Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes
ECPI World ESG Equity
FTSE4Good Index Series
MSCI ESG Leaders※
Ethibel Excellence
FTSE Blossom Japan Index
MSCI Japan ESG Select Leaders Index※
MSCI Japan Empowering Women Index※
Sompo Sustainability Index
EuroNext World 120
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