Daigas Group’s Businesses

Our Business

Daigas Group has businesses in 3 fields

(As of March 31, 2024)

 We aim to create value for a sustainable future and evolve as an aggregate of multiple businesses through expansion into new global elds. We will strive to achieve that by leveraging our capital with strengths and our expertise in the three core business segments: the Domestic Energy Business, International Energy Business, and Life & Business Solutions Business (LBS).

Net sales/Segment profit

Net sales/Segment profit

Natural gas value chain in the domestic/overseas energy business

Natural gas extracted overseas is transported to Japan as liquefied natural gas (LNG) by dedicated tankers, where it is re-gasified at the receiving terminal and sent to customers through pipelines. This series of flows is the natural gas value chain. Depending on the process, we call it "upstream business" or "midstream and downstream business," and the Daigas Group is building a natural gas value chain overseas just like it is doing in Japan.

Domestic Energy Electric Power Business

International Energy Business Business
Energy Resources
& International

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 Upstream Business  Upstream Business

We are expanding upstream business elds through project participation for group-wide steady prot growth. We are striving to secure stable prots with the expansion of output and prots of the shale gas development company, Sabine Oil & Gas Corporation, in the United States and through the Gorgon LNG Project and Ichthys LNG Project in Australia.

Mid- & Downstream Business in North America Mid- & Downstream Business in North America

We are working to achieve stable, exible procurement of LNG by securing LNG with no destination restrictions through the procurement of LNG from the Freeport LNG Project in the US and by diversifying our supply sources and price indices.

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IPP in North America IPP in North America

We are increasing investment in renewables, which are expected to expand in the United States, as well as natural gas-red power plants, to accelerate decarbonization.

Asia Asia

We are expanding our businesses in renewables and LNG terminals, as well as natural gas marketing and energy services.

Domestic Energy Business Business
LNG, Power &
Network* Energy

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LNG Trading LNG Trading

By diversifying LNG suppliers, price indexes and other factors, we procure LNG in a stable manner and supply it to customers in Japan and abroad.

LNG & Enginieering LNG & Enginieering

In addition to ongoing stable gas manufacturing, we are engaged in the industrial gas business, engineering business and the development of technologies for the realization of a low-carbon/carbon-neutral society.

Power Generation Renewable Energy Power Generation
Renewable Energy

We are promoting the power generation business through ownership of power plants and operation and maintenance businesses. We are also proceeding with developing and holding power sources and expanding its electric power procurement efforts, aiming for the spread of renewable energies.

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Network Network*

We provide a safe, secure supply of gas through the construction, maintenance and management of gas distribution facilities and the construction of 24-hour/365-day security frameworks*.
* Effective April 2022, Osaka Gas Network Co., Ltd. was incorporated as a result of the legal separation of Network Company, the former pipeline business unit of Osaka Gas.

Electricity Transmission

We supply electricity through the power grids operated by other companies such as Kansai Transmission and Distribution, Inc.

Meeting gas needs for Customers such as and restaurants

Residential Market Residential Market

We provide energy, appliances, home renovations, lifestyle services, etc. to match the requests of each individual residential customer.

Non-residential Market Non-residential Market

For commercial and industrial customers, we provide one-stop solutions built by energy and various services.

LBS Business Business
IT Materials

Urban Development
Urban Development

We actively apply the technologies and know-how we have accumulated in the energy business to develop businesses that differ from the energy business, in order to diversify business risk.