Simulation, AI

Weather Forecasting Technology


Osaka Gas is working on developing and applying its original weather forecasting technology, combining high-resolution weather simulation and AI technology.


The energy business is strongly influenced by weather conditions. Osaka Gas is developing its original weather forecasting technology that combines AI technology with high-resolution weather simulations based on weather data obtained from the Japan Meteorological Agency and overseas meteorological offices. The obtained weather information is used in the company’s own energy business, such as by predicting the output of solar and wind power and other renewable energy sources and managing power supply and demand. In addition, typhoon course forecasts are also used to provide support services, ensuring Ene-Farm to unfailingly perform self-sustaining power generation. Moreover, the company has obtained a weather forecasting business license from the Japan Meteorological Agency and established a framework to respond to needs from outside the company.




Future Tasks

Through joint research*3, *4 with universities, we will improve the accuracy of forecasts and expand the application of the technology to contribute to a more stable supply and advanced use of energy.



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