Water heaters, space heaters, dryers

Great Drying Power That Only Gas Can Provide!Gas Clothes Dryer Kanta-kun


The gas clothes dryer Kanta-kun has a powerful and reliable capacity for fast and thorough drying, makes fibers light and fluffy, and eliminates the musty smell from clothes!

Feature 1: Powerful and reliable capacity for fast and thorough drying!

Using warm air produced by gas for drying, Kanta-kun is absolutely powerful.
Optimal control of 4.65 kW capacity dries 5 kg of laundry in just about 52 minutes (with the 160-R505).


Feature 2: Makes fibers light and fluffy so that they are pleasant to the skin!

Laundry is dried in a large-capacity drum into which powerful warm air only gas can produce is plentifully fed.
The dryer raises individual fibers from the root and makes clothes fluffy and soft. Clothes will be pleasantly and thoroughly dry, without any trace of dampness.


Feature 3: Eliminates the musty smell from clothes!

Powerful warm air that only gas can produce makes clothes free from bacteria that cause foul odors.

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