Material evaluation
High Temperature Materials Evaluation Technology for Stable Power Supply
Osaka Gas evaluates the soundness and life of high temperature components used in gas turbines and boilers at thermal power plants.

Senboku Natural Gas Power Plant
Life Evaluation for High Temperature Components of Gas Turbine
At thermal power plants, high temperature components of gas turbines are used in extremely severe environments. They are repaired or replaced regularly during their service life. To keep the soundness of the parts and understand the appropriate replacement cycle, we evaluate the deterioration condition and high temperature strength of used components.
Residual Life Evaluation for Boiler Tubes
For the electric power generation, power steam turbines are rotated by using high temperature steam generated through heat exchange with the combustion gas. Because the boiler tubes are exposed to internal pressure from the steam in a high temperature environment for a long time, there are concerns that these tubes are deformed or ruptured due to creep. Therefore, we measure the creep strength of service exposed boiler tubes and evaluate the residual creep life of them.
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