Consultations and Reports from Partner Companies
Consultations and Reports from Partner Companies
"Compliance Desk"
This Compliance Desk is available for:
- ・Executives, employees, and temporary employees of partner companies that have continuously provided Daigas Group companies with goods and services.
- ・Temporary employees who are working at Daigas Group companies.
- ・Those who have worked as executives, employees and temporary employees of partner companies within the past year, and those who have worked at Daigas Group companies within the past year.
Matters for consultation and reporting
- ・You may contact this Compliance Desk if there are any legal violations at any Daigas Group company.
- ・For requests and opinions not relating to legal violations, please contact the division concerned.
- ・If you wish to seek a consultation or make report, fill in the consultation/report form, which should be submitted to the Inquiry Form.
Content of consultations and reports
- ・When receiving a consultation or report, the Compliance Desk will send you a message of receipt by e-mail or telephone. (The receipt notification may be delayed if your consultation or report is made around a weekend or national holiday, during the year-end and New Year holidays and Golden Week holidays, or during summer vacation. )
- ・According to the content of your consultation or report, an investigation of the facts will be conducted and necessary corrective measures implemented.
- ・Anonymous consultations and reports are permitted. However, you are urged to provide your name if possible, due to limitations on investigating the facts and reporting the results otherwise.
Protecting consulters and reporters
- ・The names and privacy of those who have consulted with, or reported to us are kept secret. You will not suffer any disadvantage as a result of using this Compliance Desk.
- * Please be advised that we may be unable to reply to you, if you have not filled in the form properly, or depending upon the content of your report or consultation.
- * For matters to be addressed not by this Compliance Desk but by other divisions of the Daigas Group, the division in charge may contact you.
- * The personal information you provide will be used only when it is necessary to respond to your consultation or report, or to deal with the issues, and will not be used for other purposes.
Format to be filled for consultations and reports
President's Commitment
Energy Transition 2050
Sustainability Report
Integrated Report
- Management Plan
- Management Plan Documents Long-Term Management Vision2030/Medium-Term Management Plan 2026
- Daigas Group's Values
- Daigas Group's Values Daigas Group Corporate Principles Daigas Group Charter of Business Conduct Daigas Group Code of Business Conduct Our Declaration Daigas Group Policies
- Sustainability Management
- Promotion System Materiality of the Daigas Group Stakeholder Engagement History of Co-creation of Value Value Creation Process
- Environment
Environmental Management
Daigas Group Environmental Policy
Estimation Method of Environmental Accounting
Environmental Management Efficiency
Environmental Impact throughout the Daigas Group Value Chain
Environmental Targets
Actions for Climate Change
Assessment of CO₂ Emissions Reduction Effects
Disclosure Based on the TCFD Recommendations:
Recognition of and Action on Risks and Opportunities Contributing to the Resource-Recycling Society Data Trends Regarding Resource Recycling Information Disclosure on the Research Results of Soil and Groundwater Conservation Biodiversity Daigas Group Biodiversity Policy Development of Environmental Technology
- Social
Innovation Management
Promoting Business Transformation with DX Research and Development/Intellectual Property/New Businesses Creation Human Resources Management/Human Resources Strategy Targets Human Resources Development DE&I (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) Daigas Group Diversity Promotion Policy Work-Life Balance Occupational Health and Safety Communication Between Employees and Company Human Rights
Respect for Human Rights throughout the Value Chain
Human Rights Due Dilligence
Action for Human Rights Daigas Group Human Rights Policy Supply Chain Management Daigas Group Procurement Policy Social Impact of Business Activities in Our Energy Value Chain Customer Health and Safety Customer Satisfaction Community
Co-creation Activities with Local Communities
Activities by Public Interest Incorporated Foundations
- Governance
- Governance Corporate Governance Message from the Outside Directors Compliance Consultations and Reports from Partner Companies Information Security Protect Personal Information
- Reporting Guidelines
- Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Index SASB Table Reference for the Environmental Reporting Guidelines of the Ministry of the Environment TCFD Recommendations Table