Daigas Group Diversity Promotion Policy

President's Commitment

Greater diversity within the Daigas Group for expanding its business fields

At the Daigas Group, we value our employees as one of our most important assets, respecting their uniqueness and independence. We promote the development of employees’ potential at work, encouraging them to make good use of education and training opportunities provided by the Group to achieve its objectives. We also provide a number of programs to support our employees’ initiatives to realize their suitable work-life balance respectively.

With Japan’s demographic structure changing and individuals’ lifestyles and values diversifying, we expect that our customers’ needs will become more complex. To sustain the steady growth of the Group, we need to explore broader business fields, which requires us to accept more diverse values. We must respond swiftly and flexibly to these changes in the business environment, identify business opportunities in that, and be a corporate group that can continue to create new types of value that meet the changing needs of our customers.

New types of value can be created not from an individual and isolated idea but from a joint and organizational approach, where innovative combination of knowledge, interaction of concepts, and fusion of ideas among employees take place vibrantly. To that end, we should provide a workplace that encourages every employee to have strong intellectual curiosity and fertile imagination, interact with other people with different views, values, and ways of thinking, and accept and respect diverse opinions without prejudice. Promoting diversity is key to establishing such a workplace, where people freely discuss their own ideas regardless of gender, age, nationality, physical disabilities and other attributes.

Following this Daigas Group Diversity Promotion Policy, we strive to be a corporate group that respects diverse talent, tolerates no discrimination, and provides a workplace where everyone feels fulfilled in their work.

April 1, 2024
Osaka Gas Co., Ltd.

Daigas Group Diversity Promotion Policy

The Daigas Group is committed to promoting DE&I (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) across the Group to enhance its corporate value by becoming an organization with diverse talent that continues creating new types of value.

  • ・We aim to be a group of enterprises that provides a work environment that values each employee’s uniqueness, tolerates no discrimination, acknowledges employee diversity including gender, age, physical disabilities, nationalities, form of employment, lifestyles, religions, sexual orientation, and gender identity.
  • ・We provide support in realizing a highly productive way of working and a suitable work-life balance for each employee as a basis for them to pursue their career opportunities.

Targets and continuous efforts

We promote activities that support the success of individuals from diverse backgrounds, including women, the elderly, individuals with disabilities, and foreign nationals. We are committed to creating a workplace that enables employees from all backgrounds to demonstrate their skills and abilities without any disadvantages arising from their minority status. Minority workers should not be subjected to disadvantages. At Osaka Gas, we aim to increase the percentage of women in directors to 30% or more and in members newly promoted to middle management positions* to 30% or more by 2030 while keeping the percentage of women in new recruits to 30% or more. We continue to work to meet these targets and provide regular performance updates.

  • * The percentage of women promoted to middle management positions among those employees in career-track positions in a given fiscal year.
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