Message from the Outside Directors
The Daigas Group is working to strengthen its corporate governance system to sustain growth and enhance medium- and long-term corporate value. We invited the four Outside Directors to come together to discuss the Group’s management issues and future vision.
Effectiveness of the Board of Directors
Niizeki:Since joining the Board of Directors as an
Outside Director appointed in June 2023, I have
observed the effectiveness of our corporate
governance. I appreciate how promptly governance
issues are addressed.
Meanwhile, I would like us to discuss the company’s
purpose and long-term challenges more thoroughly.
To deepen such discussions, we should explore ways
to stay updated on each line of work, besides
management information, more closely than ever.
I agree. During the previous Medium-Term
Management Plan period, the entire company had to
focus on addressing short-term issues, such as the
impact of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the
Freeport LNG's plant shutdown. Osaka Gas’ decision
to transition to a company with an Audit and
Supervisory Committee, as resolved at the June 2024
Annual Shareholders’ Meeting, signifies the company’s
commitment to further exploring management policies
and long-term strategies while enhancing corporate
At the Remuneration Advisory Committee that I chair,
we engage in dynamic discussions on officers’
remuneration and other pertinent matters. The debate
about introducing ROE as an indicator for
performance-linked remuneration was a significant
step toward achieving the Medium-Term Management
Plan 2026 goals.
I believe the Board of Directors operates
effectively, with mechanisms being reinforced every
year. Following our transition to a company with an
Audit and Supervisory Committee, it would be
beneficial for the Board to strengthen relationships of trust with organization heads
and devote more
discussion to the company’s directions.
Moreover, it is crucial to discuss future plans while
reviewing the progress of the Medium-Term
Management Plan execution. I believe that
incorporating long-term, medium-term, and short-term
perspectives in discussions will further enhance the
effectiveness of the Board.
I have observed a corporate culture that
values open and honest communication in the Board
of Directors meetings, which is valuable for its
effectiveness. Separately from the Board of Directors,
we also hold Outside directors’ meetings, where
discussions become more extensive every year. It is
critical to continue aiming higher instead of settling for
the status quo. I am confident that transitioning to a
company with an Audit and Supervisory Committee
will further enhance the Board of Directors as a
platform for more substantive discussions. As Ms.
Niizeki pointed out, it is essential for us to remain
updated on current issues by engaging with relevant
personnel, including Executive Officers, to facilitate
well-informed discussions on general subjects.
Discussions during the development of the Medium-Term Management Plan 2026 (CAD2026)
When formulating CAD2026, I emphasized
the need for a thorough review of the results of the
previous plan. I believe that delving deeply into the
issues and clearly defining our starting line will help to
clarify how the Group should evolve over the next
three years.
On one other point, given the Group’s impressive
aspiration of “secure peace of mind today, build
sustainable lifestyles for tomorrow” declared in
CAD2026, I think it will be critical to discuss how to
put this aspiration into action.
I remember that during the formulation of
the Plan, we talked about the importance of clearly
communicating the direction of the Daigas Group.
There were also concerns about effectively
communicating this Plan externally. It is vital to identify
the target audience for specific topics. Across the
company, numerous exciting initiatives are underway.
There may be an opportunity to be more creative in
communicating these initiatives.
Although the Group employs a variety of
expressions to describe itself, as befits such a serious
company, it might be more effective to communicate
them in simpler, more easily conveyed terms for
promoting our numerous excellent initiatives, as we
have discussed previously.
As already pointed out in this discussion, in
formulating CAD2026, I emphasized the importance
of considering the future state of the Daigas Group on
several occasions. This is not just about the next
several years but about how the company will
contribute to society in 20 or 30 years.
I believe this discussion is crucial.
While discussing investment for growth as an
extension of current business is essential, we should
also look further into the future. We need to expand
our businesses that give hope and dreams to society
and help result its issues. These discussions require
long-term perspectives and should be led by emerging
talent within the company rather than the current
management executives. It would be beneficial to
explore new ideas, such as what the nature of the
business will look like in 30 years.
Initiatives in the Medium-Term Management Plan 2026 (CAD2026)
CAD2026 focuses on allocating cash
generated from successful management strategies
executed to date. It is important for the Group to
balance capital allocation between shareholder returns
and investment for medium- to long-term business
growth and human resource development.
I am proud of the Group’s ongoing
progress in e-methane and renewable energy
initiatives, aiming to become a leading company in a
carbon neutral society. This progress will create value
for a sustainable future. When it comes to co-creating
value for a sustainable future, which is the first of the
Three Commitments,* the Key Strategy for the current
medium-term period, we need to enhance our
engagement in co-creating such value globally, going
beyond the borders of the Kansai region and Japan.
In terms of the second Commitment to supporting
employees in shining in their roles, DE&I (Diversity,
Equity, and Inclusion) is a significant challenge.
We need to identify ways to further advance
employees’ inclusion, or in other words, co-creating
value with them, as well as providing a pleasant
working environment for all our employees.
Regarding the third Commitment to evolving the
business foundation, I strongly support the strategies
of setting targets for ROE and ROIC, as well as
pursuing asset rebalancing. Meanwhile, it will also be
increasingly critical to update our long-term strategies,
such as how to deploy future-oriented investment for
growth by leveraging the Group’s financial soundness.
The Key Strategy’s Three Commitments are
all equally important, and I believe they serve as
excellent guiding principles that will steer the Daigas
Group toward a successful future. Echoing the words
of management scholar Peter Drucker, “Culture eats
strategy for breakfast,” I would like to emphasize the
importance of assessing the corporate culture as the
driving force behind strategy implementation, which
the Group has fostered over the years. While revisiting
the core purpose of Group as a gas business
operator, we need to continue upholding a corporate
ethos centered on a strong sense of mission in its
contributions and roles as a down-to-earth business.
I admire the Group’s aspiration of “Secure
peace of mind today, build sustainable lifestyles for
tomorrow,” the Purpose declared in CAD2026. I have
always seen the Daigas Group as an “audacious”
company that daringly takes on various challenges.
While the Group is addressing a wide variety of issues
in our evolving society, the company needs to improve
its communication of these efforts to the public in light
of how we want them to be perceived by society.
Regarding the issue of DE&I that Ms. Niizeki
mentioned, while I acknowledge the Group’s steady
progress in implementing its plans, I believe we need
to communicate more vigorous and straightforward
messages internally to boost the morale of the entire
Group. I support the Group's innovative approaches
based on diverse ideas.
Next focus areas for the Daigas Group
Amid significant changes of the times, we
need to reflect on the mission of the Daigas Group.
Identifying what should be firmly upheld and what
should be changed will provide clarity on the key
areas that require our attention. As we implement
CAD2026, we must foster a shared understanding
across the organization regarding what must be
maintained and what must be updated before
undertaking the Three Commitments.
The Group’s gas business, which is our
core operation that supports people’s daily lives and
businesses, must operate steadily, prudently, and with
a down-to-earth approach. Meanwhile, in sectors
beyond gas and pipelines, the Group needs to evolve
into an innovation business. This transformation
requires investment in research and development. In
addition to the ongoing research on methanation, we
need to explore our involvement in hydrogen energy
utilization, increasingly competitive storage battery
development, and other emerging sectors. We should
also aim to enhance our businesses in the Life &
Business Solutions segment. I am dedicated to
providing valuable recommendations.
In the future, we cannot rely solely on the
Japanese markets. Instead, we must expand our
overseas businesses with strong commitment.
Business planning based on the current market
conditions will not lead to sustainable growth. It is
essential to send our emerging talent into global
markets to collaborate with individuals from diverse
backgrounds. While there may be instances of failure
and the subsequent pain in business retreat, there is
much to be gained and many lessons to be learned
from these experiences. The Group is already
advancing its initiatives overseas, and these invaluable
experiences will develop human resources needed to
drive our future business growth.
From the perspective of society’s
sustainability, the Daigas Group must establish
systems to address carbon neutrality and other
pressing challenges ahead of others, which requires
innovation. One area of particular focus for me is
corporate governance. While I believe the Group can
swiftly respond to management risks, I also see the
importance of promoting shared approaches to risks
and risk hedging across the organization from
company-wide perspectives. Strengthening
governance in this manner will contribute to the
sustainable growth of the Group.
Anticipations for the Daigas Group
I hope that the Daigas Group will continue to
be “audacious” in a positive way, known for its
intriguing undertakings that give hopes and dreams to
society. The Group comprises exceptional individuals
with tremendous potential. I look forward to the
Group’s evolution into a business organization that
embraces challenges of a grand scale.
Similar to what Ms. Sato mentioned, I want
the Daigas Group to embody its catchphrase,
“SasuGas” (a play on words combining the Japanese
word “sasuga,” meaning “just as you would expect,”
and the English word “gas”). I hope the Daigas Group
always aspires to be a corporate group that meets
and even goes beyond people’s expectations in taking
on challenges, engaging with local communities, and
performing meticulous work.
I have high hopes for the Daigas Group to
become a standout business entity in 2040 and 2050.
Achieving this requires three key factors: first,
establishing robust governance; second, aligning
business strategies with environmental changes; and
third, adapting organizational culture in response to
these changes. Combining these factors will make the
outlook for 2050 promising. The basis for achieving
this goal is the human resources strategy. Given the
ongoing social transition to carbon neutrality, we need
to enhance the skills of a limited workforce, cultivate
the right talent to tackle future social challenges, and
reform personnel systems and the frameworks for
education and training. As an Outside Director, I am
committed to carefully considering solutions to these
I want the Daigas Group to continue
pursuing innovation. It will play a key role in realizing
the ambition to become a leading company 20 or 30
years from now in business fields that are entirely
different from the Group’s origin. Taking real estate
development business in the Life & Business Solutions
segment as an example, I hope our endeavors extend
beyond building condominiums to offering
comprehensive daily-life solutions encompassing
energy, transportation, and community development
tailored to future needs. I eagerly anticipate the
transformation of the Daigas Group into an integrated
innovation business by 2050.
- Management Plan
- Management Plan Documents Long-Term Management Vision2030/Medium-Term Management Plan 2026
- Daigas Group's Values
- Daigas Group's Values Daigas Group Corporate Principles Daigas Group Charter of Business Conduct Daigas Group Code of Business Conduct Our Declaration Daigas Group Policies
- Sustainability Management
- Promotion System Materiality of the Daigas Group Stakeholder Engagement History of Co-creation of Value Value Creation Process
- Environment
Environmental Management
Daigas Group Environmental Policy
Estimation Method of Environmental Accounting
Environmental Management Efficiency
Environmental Impact throughout the Daigas Group Value Chain
Environmental Targets
Actions for Climate Change
Assessment of CO₂ Emissions Reduction Effects
Disclosure Based on the TCFD Recommendations:
Recognition of and Action on Risks and Opportunities Contributing to the Resource-Recycling Society Data Trends Regarding Resource Recycling Information Disclosure on the Research Results of Soil and Groundwater Conservation Biodiversity Daigas Group Biodiversity Policy Development of Environmental Technology
- Social
Innovation Management
Promoting Business Transformation with DX Research and Development/Intellectual Property/New Businesses Creation Human Resources Management/Human Resources Strategy Targets Human Resources Development DE&I (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) Daigas Group Diversity Promotion Policy Work-Life Balance Occupational Health and Safety Communication Between Employees and Company Human Rights
Respect for Human Rights throughout the Value Chain
Human Rights Due Dilligence
Action for Human Rights Daigas Group Human Rights Policy Supply Chain Management Daigas Group Procurement Policy Social Impact of Business Activities in Our Energy Value Chain Customer Health and Safety Customer Satisfaction Community
Co-creation Activities with Local Communities
Activities by Public Interest Incorporated Foundations
- Governance
- Governance Corporate Governance Message from the Outside Directors Compliance Consultations and Reports from Partner Companies Information Security Protect Personal Information
- Reporting Guidelines
- Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Index SASB Table Reference for the Environmental Reporting Guidelines of the Ministry of the Environment TCFD Recommendations Table