
Sustainability Report 2023

This Sustainability Report is a integrated and edited PDF of the main contents previously posted on the sustainability site.

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Integrated Report 2023

This report includes both financial and non-financial information so that a broad range of stakeholders, including shareholders and investors, can understand the Daigas Group's efforts to create sustainable value.

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Getting to Know the Daigas Group

Business Strategies

Value Creation Stories

Corporate Governance

Corporate Data

Back Issues

Integrated Reports (English Version)

Biodiversity Protection (Japanese version only)

This report covers the Group’s various efforts to protect biodiversity.

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Prepared FY2013 (ver. 2) Revised March 2018

Prepared FY2013 (ver. 2)
Revised March 2018

President's Commitment Carbon Neutral Vision/
Energy Transition 2030
Sustainability Report(9.5MB) Integrated Report(12.5MB)
Management Plan
Management Plan Documents Long-Term Management Vision 2030 Medium-Term Management Plan 2023
Daigas Group's Values
Daigas Group's Values Daigas Group Corporate Principles Daigas Group Charter of Business Conduct Daigas Group Code of Business Conduct Our Declaration Daigas Group Policies
Sustainability Management
Promotion System Materiality Stakeholder Engagement History of Co-creation of Value Value Creation Process
Environment Environmental Management Daigas Group Environmental Policy Estimation Method of Environmental Accounting Environmental Management Efficiency Environmental Impact throughout the Daigas Group Value Chain Environmental Targets Actions for Climate Change Assessment of CO₂ Emissions Reduction Effects Disclosure based on the TCFD Recommendations, Recognition of and Actions on Risks and Opportunities Contributing to the Resource-Recycling Society Data Trends Regarding Resource Recycling Information Disclosure on the Research Results of Soil and Groundwater Conservation Biodiversity Daigas Group Biodiversity Policy Development of Environmental Technology
Social Innovation Management Human Resources Management Human Resources Development Diversity and Inclusion Daigas Group Diversity Promotion Policy Work-life Balance Occupational Health and Safety Health and Safety Action Plan Communication Between Employees and Company Human Rights Daigas Group Human Rights Policy Supply Chain Management Daigas Group Procurement Policy Social Impact of Business Activities in Our Energy Value Chain Customer Health and Safety Improvement of Customer Satisfaction Community
Governance Corporate Governance Message from the Outside Directors Compliance Consultations and Reports from Partner Companies Information Security Protect Personal Information
Initiatives for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Commendation from the Outside Initiatives the Daigas Group Participates In
ESG Data
Third-Party Verification Environmental Performance Data Social Data Governance Data
Reporting Guidelines
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Index SASB Table Reference for the Environmental Reporting Guidelines of the Ministry of the Environment TCFD Recommendations Table
Transition Finance Policy on Reporting Sustainability Activities Download We Value Your Feedback Topics Back Number Sustainability Site Map