President's Commitment

Review of the previous Medium-Term Management Plan period
The previous Medium-Term Management Plan
period was marked by a series of unexpected
events, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, growing
political and economic instability both in Japan and
overseas, and the Freeport LNG’s plant shutdown.
Amid such challenging circumstances, we devoted
our efforts to the continuity of energy supply and
services without disruption to fulfill our mission to
ensure safety, security, and supply stability.
Consequently, the Diagas Group achieved business
growth and expansion despite the adversity. This
success is a testament to the propriety of our vision
and portfolio-oriented business management, which
have been driven by the dedication of the Daigas
Group people, who understand the importance of
the Group’s vision and management approach.
Under the previous Medium-Term Management
Plan, we focused on co-creating value for a
sustainable future with our stakeholders and
evolving our corporate group by strengthening our
business foundation, aiming to contribute to
realizing a sustainable society. In our value-creation
efforts, we achieved a 2.5 GW renewable energy
development contribution, advanced e-methane
supply chain and technology development, gained
10 million customer accounts ahead of schedule,
and expanded the business fields of the Life &
Business Solutions (LBS) segment. In our
corporate-evolution initiatives, we boosted the
Group’s profitability and business foundation by
strengthening our portfolio with business growth in
the International Energy and LBS segments, raising
the awareness of ROIC, advancing DX, and
diversifying employees’ ways of work.
As a result, our FY2024.3 profitability indicators
exceeded the Medium-Term targets.
In the same period, our business environment
underwent significant changes. There has been an
acceleration in global carbon-neutral efforts and an
increased focus on energy security, which
heightened society’s expectations for the Daigas
Group to achieve carbon neutrality and energy
security. We are working on carbon-neutral
solutions, focusing on e-methane and aiming to
commence its production and supply to the
Japanese markets. In the meantime, we intend to
resolve relevant issues, such as discontinuous
technological development and a lack of crossborder
carbon emissions accounting rules.
Another change in our business environment can
be seen in the labor market. Securing human
resources has become a pressing issue in this age
of diversified ways of work, enhanced labor mobility,
and a shrinking working population due to the
declining birthrate and aging demographics. Our
human capital management strategy puts an
emphasis on DE&I (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion) to
enhance employee engagement and connection to
the company, adapting to their increasingly diverse
values, ways of work, and even views of life
affected by the pandemic. At the Daigas Group, we
value a corporate culture that encourages
collaboration among talents with diverse values to
promote their development. We employ multiple
approaches to this goal rather than relying on a
single solution.
Daigas Group’s vision for the future
We are in a time of significant shift, facing the
growing instability of energy security and
intensifying natural disasters, which are posing a
threat to people’s peace of mind today.
Simultaneously, we must advance the development
of sustainable lifestyles for tomorrow, when today’s
social issues are resolved by achieving carbon
neutrality and other goals for 2050. We believe the
trend toward carbon neutrality and the mounting
instability of energy security will have the most
profound impact on the Group’s business
development in the coming years.
The Group has been working toward achieving the
Long-Term Management Vision 2030, which we
announced in March 2017. In formulating the
Medium-Term Management Plan 2026: Connecting
Ambitious Dreams (CAD2026), we recognized the
necessity of ultra-long-term perspectives that
stretch beyond 2030.
Envisioning society around 2030, I imagine we
would see greater diversity in values, a
technologically advanced society driven by
digitalization, and increased calls for companies to
address social issues globally. The energy sector is
in dire need of a powerful leader in building a
pathway toward achieving carbon neutrality by
2050 and implementing practical solutions for the
This aspiration is expressed as “secure peace of
mind today, build sustainable lifestyles for
tomorrow” in CAD2026. It aligns with the Daigas
Group’s Corporate Principles and Corporate motto
and takes into account ongoing changes in the
business environment and our ultra-long-term
perspectives. Embracing this aspiration, the Group
strives to respond to immediate changes and
devise solutions for a sustainable future.
Intentions incorporated in the Medium-Term Management Plan (CAD2026)
To realize this aspiration, we have identified Three
Commitments as our Key Strategy in CAD2026 to
ensure value creation for our stakeholders. The first
Commitment is to co-create value for a sustainable
future by addressing social issues through the
two-pronged approach of advancing carbon
neutrality and promoting the use of natural gas. The
second Commitment is to support employees in
shining in their roles by cultivating a corporate
culture that encourages the development of diverse
talent through collaboration. The third Commitment
is to evolve the business foundation by executing
asset-light management throughout the Group. Our
goal is to achieve the Group’s continued growth
and contribute to realizing a sustainable society.
Under our first Commitment to co-create value for a
sustainable future, we are developing e-methane
technologies, building its supply chains, and
working toward expanding renewable energies. We
are also facilitating wider usage of natural gas as a
key transition fuel globally to contribute to CO2
emissions reduction in the near term. In addition,
we are responding swiftly to new developments in
e-methane, such as the recent announcement of
the Japanese government’s Basic Hydrogen
Strategy, which has garnered increased public
recognition of e-methane. We are leveraging this
opportunity to expedite our efforts to incorporate
e-methane into international rules for CO2
We are also improving our services with our
digitalization solutions. We pursue advanced data
utilization to provide comfortable lifestyles for
residential energy customers. For commercial and
industrial energy customers, we offer expanded
energy-related services, such as D-Lineup, to
enhance their corporate value.
Energy safety, security, and resilience are essential
in achieving our value co-creation. We take
measures to reinforce the safety and stability of
energy supply chains by striving for zero serious
accidents and zero supply disruptions caused by
our own company. We also aim to boost the
resilience of customers and society by promoting
the development and widespread use of fuel cells
and other disaster-resistant equipment and energy
Our second Commitment to support employees in
excelling in their roles follows our Charter of
Business Conduct, in which we advocate providing
a work environment that supports employee
development. This Commitment is also in sync with
the ongoing changes in the environment
surrounding our people.
In recent years, the values of working individuals
have increasingly diversified, accompanied by
significant changes in the working environment. We
have entered an era in which individual employees
proactively manage their own drive and motivation
toward their work. We firmly believe that our
distinctive corporate culture, which we have
cultivated through many years of business
operations, sets the standards for their judgements
and actions. It also serves as the basis for
improving the quality of work and the organization’s
solidarity. The corporate culture plays a crucial role
in these times of growing diversity and uncertainty.
We foresee a time when companies are chosen
based on their corporate culture that resonates with
customers, communities, and workers.
Such selected companies will attract more diverse
talent and enhance corporate value through their
collaboration where they are encouraged to perform
to their fullest potential. This is what we aim to be,
and we concentrate our efforts on acquiring,
developing, upgrading, and deploying skilled talent
to align with job requirements.
I strongly believe that it is people who drive
corporate activities, and I communicate this belief
to employees whenever I have the opportunity. In
my regular workplace visits and dialogues with
employees, I talk with them about how to make our
company more attractive and our working
environment more comfortable. The employees
always display a strong awareness, further
strengthening my determination to respond to their
expectations. I am dedicated to fostering a work
environment where all employees have growth opportunities and derive satisfaction from
collaborative efforts. I am confident that such a
work environment will lead to the advancement and
evolution of the Daigas Group.
In our third Commitment to evolve the business
foundation, we are implementing asset-light
management to enhance corporate value without
compromising capital efficiency while investing in
the carbon neutrality field and developing other
businesses for future growth. When I speak of
asset-light management, I don’t mean merely
divesting our assets. It means identifying valuegenerating
assets and concentrating our efforts on
maximizing the value of such assets instead of
holding onto those no longer make a difference in
holding. This approach will allow us to evolve into a
lean company, which I believe is the source of our
In these times of change, I believe that what is
required above all is the ability to respond flexibly
and dynamically to changing business environment.
While demonstrating our Group’s collective
strengths, we are working to develop our digital
talent and strengthen our structures, aiming to
promote our business digitalization and reform
through DX.
We also strive to make decisions flexibly in
response to the changing business environment. To
meet the goal, we established the Risk
Management Committee in April 2024. It is a
Group-wide organization that comprehensively
manages risk associated with sustainability,
compliance, accounting, finance, cyber security,
and overseas investment in the Group’s expanding
business domains. Furthermore, transforming
ourselves to a company with an Audit and
Supervisory Committee will strengthen our
supervisory functions and enhance discussions
about management policies and strategies at the
Advisory Committee on Management and other
Targets we aim to achieve at the Daigas Group
Our goal is to co-create value with our stakeholders
to resolve social issues. We intend to fulfill this
mission through our Three Commitments in
CAD2026, which are to co-create value for a
sustainable future, support employees in shining in
their roles, and strengthen the business foundation.
These three Commitments were formulated based
on our key issues (materiality), which were reviewed
by external experts and the Group’s relevant
In addition, we are committed to steadily executing
our business management focused on ESG
(Environment, Society, and Governance) issues as
per CAD2026. We also strive to embody our
Corporate Principles by adhering to the Daigas
Group Charter of Business Conduct, which outlines
our corporate stance, and the Daigas Group Code
of Business Conduct, which sets forth specific
standards of behavior for the Group's officers and
employees to follow. Furthermore, as the first
Japanese public utility to declare participation in the
United Nations Global Compact in 2007, we fully
support the principles that companies should
uphold as members of the international community.
To realize sustained growth, we aim to continue our
corporate evolution by constantly taking on
challenges in various fields in Japan and overseas
to contribute to resolving social issues.
September 2024
- Management Plan
- Management Plan Documents Long-Term Management Vision2030/Medium-Term Management Plan 2026
- Daigas Group's Values
- Daigas Group's Values Daigas Group Corporate Principles Daigas Group Charter of Business Conduct Daigas Group Code of Business Conduct Our Declaration Daigas Group Policies
- Sustainability Management
- Promotion System Materiality of the Daigas Group Stakeholder Engagement History of Co-creation of Value Value Creation Process
- Environment
Environmental Management
Daigas Group Environmental Policy
Estimation Method of Environmental Accounting
Environmental Management Efficiency
Environmental Impact throughout the Daigas Group Value Chain
Environmental Targets
Actions for Climate Change
Assessment of CO₂ Emissions Reduction Effects
Disclosure Based on the TCFD Recommendations:
Recognition of and Action on Risks and Opportunities Contributing to the Resource-Recycling Society Data Trends Regarding Resource Recycling Information Disclosure on the Research Results of Soil and Groundwater Conservation Biodiversity Daigas Group Biodiversity Policy Development of Environmental Technology
- Social
Innovation Management
Promoting Business Transformation with DX Research and Development/Intellectual Property/New Businesses Creation Human Resources Management/Human Resources Strategy Targets Human Resources Development DE&I (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) Daigas Group Diversity Promotion Policy Work-Life Balance Occupational Health and Safety Communication Between Employees and Company Human Rights
Respect for Human Rights throughout the Value Chain
Human Rights Due Dilligence
Action for Human Rights Daigas Group Human Rights Policy Supply Chain Management Daigas Group Procurement Policy Social Impact of Business Activities in Our Energy Value Chain Customer Health and Safety Customer Satisfaction Community
Co-creation Activities with Local Communities
Activities by Public Interest Incorporated Foundations
- Governance
- Governance Corporate Governance Message from the Outside Directors Compliance Consultations and Reports from Partner Companies Information Security Protect Personal Information
- Reporting Guidelines
- Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Index SASB Table Reference for the Environmental Reporting Guidelines of the Ministry of the Environment TCFD Recommendations Table