Data Trends Regarding Resource Recycling

For more information on Contributing to creating a resource recycling society, refer to the Sustainability Report.

Consumption of Resources by the Daigas Group
(Partly Includes Consumption by Service Chains)

Waste generation and disposal

Volume of water intake and discharge

Resource Recycling Efforts at the Daigas Group

Use of recycled soil at gas pipe construction

Recycling of used gas pipes

Recycling of used gas appliances

Compliance with the Home Appliance Recycling Law

The Daigas Group appropriately disposes of gas air conditioners for household use and clothes dryers, covered by the Home Appliance Recycling Law, in line with the law.
In FY2024.3, about 106 tons of gas air conditioners for household use were collected, and 91% of them were recycled, higher than the minimum mandatory recycling rate of 80%. The amount of clothes dryers collected during the same year came to about 17 tons, 91% of which was recycled, far above the mandatory recycling rate of 82%.

■ Air Conditioners

  FY2020.3 FY2021.3 FY2022.3 FY2023.3 FY2024.3
Number of units recycled (units) 4,348 3,656 2,921 2,755 2,645
Gross weight recovered (t) 177 147 118 111 106
Weight recycled (t) 161 134 107 101 97
Recycling rate (%) 91 90 90 91 91

■ Clothes Dryers

  FY2020.3 FY2021.3 FY2022.3 FY2023.3 FY2024.3
Number of units recycled (units) 476 523 393 445 408
Gross weight recovered (t) 19 21 16 19 17
Weight recycled (t) 17 19 15 17 15
Recycling rate (%) 88 89 90 90 91

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